Loving, secure attachments between separate, unique individuals ― this is the beautiful paradox of the balanced family unit

Family Therapy

The greatest challenge facing any family is how to maintain the bonds of trust and connection while, at the same time, honoring each other’s differences and individuality. This can be particularly difficult when family members make choices we don’t like, or behave in ways that feel are irresponsible, disappointing or even destructive.

Approaching family therapy from the perspective of the family system, I believe that family members affect each other in predictable patterns. I look for these patterns of interaction so that I can help you better understand each-other and make more intentional choices about your family’s needs and wellbeing. Together we can promote more authentic, flexible communication, create clearer boundaries between parents and children, strengthen sibling relationships, and increase sensitivity and respect for each-other’s feelings and points-of-view. Your new insights can help reframe the challenges facing your family and empower each family member to grow as an individual while maintaining loving relationships with the cohesive family unit.