"People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, 'Soften the orange a bit on the right-hand corner.' I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds."

― Carl R. Rogers, A Way of Being


A little about me…

I’m a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist practicing in Hermosa Beach.

My training combined with my life experiences have guided my belief that we can all move bravely towards greater fulfillment in our lives when we feel seen and supported along the way.

My work is enriched by my bi-cultural upbringing in Israel, my career as an attorney and my personal growth navigating the various chapters of my life. My journey has ebbed and flowed, filled with the triumphs and challenges that life often unveils along the way. I’ve backpacked through poverty-stricken parts of the world, worked endless hours in competitive, urban corporate offices, struggled to balance the demands of career and family, and discovered the illusory nature of control. My experiences have taught me humility, compassion, resilience, non-judgment and a profound respect for the beauty and complexity of our individuality and our need to belong to something greater than ourselves. 

From the time I was a young girl, I was aware of how deeply we affect each other and how hurtful it can be to feel misunderstood, mistreated or unseen. I imagined that one day I’d have the power to help people overcome their pain and find the joy and love that was within their reach. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, that impulse has evolved and deepened, but at the core it remains the same. I’m here to help support your unique journey and empower you to live more joyfully and to cultivate healthier, more loving relationships.

To learn more about me, you can view my recent feature in SHOUTOUT LA.